What about Us? – Children's Perspectives on their Wellbeing
Contenido principal del artículo
The understanding of childhood changes along with the development and changes of society and the social paradigm. Consequently, the child's understanding and acceptance of the role of participation in personal upbringing and education changes, while respecting the child's right to express and respect his/her opinion. This research is aimed at understanding the children's perspective, their subjective experience of current and long-term wellbeing. It was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Teacher Education in Zagreb, and implemented in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Research with Children (2003), with the consent of children and their parents. The concept of wellbeing is considered in the dimensions of personal satisfaction, and social and educational achievement. The opinions of 63 children, age 5 to primary school enrollment was surveyed. A qualitative research paradigm was used, which included children's expressions through drawings and narrative ethnographical research. The research findings indicate that children recognize subjective wellbeing through play and social interactions (friendships and family relationships). They recognize the importance of learning as a personal present and long-term benefit. They perceive the ECE setting as a safe place that has appropriate conditions for their residence. Some children emphasize the importance of a sense of security. It is possible to assume that the perception of children in the sample is related to the current epidemiological situation.
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