Focus and Scope

Psicología, Conocimiento y Sociedad (online ISSN 1688-7026) is free, peer-reviewed, open-access, and continuous edition publication of Facultad de Psicología at Universidad de la República. Its mission is to promote national and international research in the diverse areas of Psychology. It is addressed to researchers and institutions interested in the field of Psychology and related sciences. The Journal accepts papers in Spanish, Portuguese and English.

Psicología, Conocimiento y Sociedad publishes:

  1. Research paper
    The content of papers reporting research, whether quantitative, qualitative, or mixed, must present the following sections:
    a. Abstract, b. Introduction (problem and conceptual references), c. Methodology, d. Results, e. Discussion, f. Conclusion, g. References.

  2. Intervention systematization
    The content of the papers that report intervention systematizations must include the following sections:
    a.Introduction (conceptual references, context of the intervention), b. Description of the intervention, c. Systematization of the experience, d. Discussion, e. Conclusions, and f. References.

  3. Systematic literature reviews 
    In the case of systematic literature reviews, the literature must adhere to the PRISMA Statement ( The submitted document should include a brief description of the adopted protocol and name its sections accordingly.

  4. Reviews

  5. Letters to the Editorial Board referring to the papers already published in the journal, whenever they imply progress, news or scientific discussion of these articles. 

Psicología, Conocimiento y Sociedad applies the Creative Commons Attribution License. Under this license, authors retain copyright ownership of the items but allow, without prior permission of the author or editor, anyone download and distribute the articles published in the magazine. The articles and authors should be mentioned. This license provides open access, free and open to original works of science and art.

Peer Review Process

Psicología, Conocimiento y Sociedad receives original papers only through the OJS (Open Journal System).

1) Once the submission is received, we firts asses the adequacy to the editorial standards. At this stage, compliance with the formal aspects is evaluated.

2) The Editorial Committee will then read the paper and determine if the subject matter is of interest to the editorial project and if the content complies with the quality standards of the journal.

After this evaluation by the Editorial Committee, three decisions can be made:

1. Submission rejected

2. Adjustments are requested prior to starting the peer review process

3. Submission is ready to start the peer review process (double-blind). PCS guarantees that the reviewers are external to the institution of the authors of the submission.

Those papers that are approved in this first reading by the Editorial Committee and are eligible for the peer review process, are assigned to a Section Editor (member of the Editorial Committee) who will follow up on the entire review process.

3) Peer review process: two or more external reviewers are assigned and independently and anonymously evaluate the paper and determine: a) to publish it after minor changes, b) to publish it after deep changes, c) to reject it.

4) Once evaluated by the reviewers, they send their reviews to the journal's Editorial Committee.

5) If there is consensus in the reviewers' evaluations, the authors are asked to make adjustments (minimal or profound) and the paper enters the second round of revision.

5) If there is consensus in the reviewers' evaluations for rejection, the review process ends.

6) If there is no consensus or if there is controversy, the Editorial Board calls for a third external reviewer.

7) The paper will be submitted to the necessary review rounds until it is considered suitable for publication.

8) Based on the evaluations of the external reviewers, the Editorial Board makes a final decision.

Ethical Framework

Psicología, Conocimiento y Sociedad adheres to the guidelines of the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE) and to the international ethical standards established by the American Psychological Association (APA).

It is also governed by the ethical framework established in Decree CM/515 of August 4, 2008 (Decreto Diario Oficial n° 001-4573/2007). The Editorial Committee assumes the guardianship and monitoring of ethical responsibilities in the entire publication process. This task includes ensuring that all guidelines are met in the reception, review, publication and dissemination of articles submitted for publication.

Authors, evaluators and readers in general are requested to consult the protocol. They will see described there the commitments assumed by the Editorial Committee, the evaluators and the authors.

>>Ethical Framework available here

Anti-plagiarism policy

PCS's anti-plagiarism policy seeks to promote the use of best editorial practices. Our journal only accepts the submission of original and unpublished manuscripts. As part of the evaluation process of these manuscripts, and under the guidance of the international standards recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the anti-plagiarism software Similarity Check of Crossref is used. This tool allows verifying the originality of the manuscripts submitted.

By submitting an article for review, authors agree to have the document examined for plagiarism, self-plagiarism or other situations that violate the ethical standards of scientific publication.


Since 2020, Psicología, Conocimiento y Sociedad publishes the list of reviewers in the last issue of the year. PCS is grateful for all the reviewers and their valuable contribution to the editorial process. 

Reviewers 2020