Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published or sent to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The article is written in Spanish, Portuguese and/or English. It contains a title, an abstract (no more than 250 words) and keywords (no more than 4) in all three languages.
  • The text has a maximum length of 20 pages for original papers, 30 for revisions, 5 for letters, and 4 for reviews.
  • The text contains a maximum of 25 references. Web addresses for the references have been added where appropriate.
  • The text has:

    • double spacing
    • Arial font with size 11 without using indents
    • margins of 3 cm.
    • and number at the bottom right.
    • Italics are used instead of underlining (except for URLs); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are inside the text in their corresponding places.
  • The text complies with the bibliographical and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for Authors, which can be found in About the Journal.
  • The letter of commitment from the authors has been downloaded, scanned, signed and attached. Available here.
  • In the platform of the journal, the name(s) of the author(s), institution of affiliation and country of the institution are clearly indicated.
  • All the authors of the article have an ORCID identifier. If not, one can be made at the following link: ORCID
PCS is is free. There is no charge for submitting or evaluating articles.

Together with the submitted paper,  a letter of commitment signed by the author(s) should also be sent. Download here.

Every submission to Psicología, Conocimiento y Sociedad journal, has to be unpublished and original work, and must not be simultaneously submitted to any other journal or publisher.

Submissions must not include the author’s name or any reference that could lead to their identification.

Every original work presenting research results should have a maximum length of 20 pages.

The work of systematic review may take a maximum of 30 pages.

Letters to the Editorial Board may not exceed 5 pages.

Page size should be DIN-A4, with a page margin of 3 cm., and should be numbered in the bottom right margin with Arabic numbers.

The text should be double spaced, Arial font size 11 without using indents.

Tables, graphics and pictures must be included in the total length of pages.

We will accept articles in Spanish, Portuguese and English. Every article should contain title, summary (up to 250 words) and keywords (up to 4 terms) in the three previously mentioned languages.

The reference list should contain a maximum of 25 references, and will not be included in the total length of pages.

The preferred digital format for preparing images will be JPG.

We do not accept footnotes.

The article format should follow the guidelines in the “Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association” (sixth edition in English).

See APA publication tutorial by clicking HERE


Authors' obligations

Authors are obliged to participate in the peer-review process.

All authors have significantly contributed to the research.

All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.

Authors should ensure the inclusion of a list of references and financial support if applicable.

It is forbidden to publish the same research in more than one journal.

Review process

The journal uses the double-blind review. This system consists of the works coming to the journal are sent to external evaluators who are experts ij the subject matter. 

1) Once the submission is received, we first assess the adequacy of the editorial standards. At this stage, compliance with the formal aspects is evaluated.

2) The Editorial Committee will then read the paper and determine if the subject matter is of interest to the editorial project and if the content complies with the quality standards of the journal.

After this evaluation by the Editorial Committee, three decisions can be made:

1. Submission rejected

2. Adjustments are requested prior to starting the peer review process

3. Submission is ready to start the peer review process (double-blind). PCS guarantees that the reviewers are external to the institution of the authors of the submission.

Those papers that are approved in this first reading by the Editorial Committee and are eligible for the peer review process, are assigned to a Section Editor (a member of the Editorial Committee) who will follow up on the entire review process.

3) Peer review process: two or more external reviewers are assigned and independently and anonymously evaluate the paper and determine: a) to publish it after minor changes, b) to publish it after deep changes, c) to reject it.

4) Once evaluated by the reviewers, they send their reviews to the journal's Editorial Committee.

5) If there is consensus in the reviewers' evaluations, the authors are asked to make adjustments (minimal or profound) and the paper enters the second round of revision.

5) If there is consensus in the reviewers' evaluations for rejection, the review process ends.

6) If there is no consensus or if there is controversy, the Editorial Board calls for a third external reviewer.

7) The paper will be submitted to the necessary review rounds until it is considered suitable for publication.

8) Based on the evaluations of the external reviewers, the Editorial Board makes a final decision.


Contributor Role Taxonomy (CRediT)

Seeking transparency and openness, Psicología, Conocimiento y Sociedad adopted the Contributor Role Taxonomy (CrediT) to describe the individual contributions of each author to the work to be included in tletter of commitment. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the CRediT designations will be included as a statement of the authors' contributions. All authors must have reviewed and agreed upon their individual contribution(s) prior to submission; the same role may be attributed to more than one person and a person may claim credit for more than one role.


Academic Inbreeding

Committed to avoiding inbreeding, the authors of 10% of our publications may have institutional affiliation corresponding to the Facultad de Psicología, UdelaR. In the case of articles authored by Facultad de Psicología, Udela, the first reading prior to the review process will be completed by two (2) external editors.

Copyright Notice

PCS applies the Creative Commons Attribution License. Under this license, authors retain copyright ownership of the items but allow, without prior permission of the author or editor, anyone to download and distribute the papers published in the journal. The papers and authors should be mentioned. This license provides open access to original works of science and art.

Atribution 4.0 Internacional