Psychosocial characteristics and cognitive function in community-dwelling adults over 50 years old from the Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS)
Contenido principal del artículo
Aging is an inevitable process that can be associated with cognitive impairment. Evidence about the simultaneous evaluation of psychosocial variables that could be associated with cognitive function is crucial. We aimed to determine the association between psychosocial characteristics and cognition in adults over 50 years in Mexico. The fifth round of the Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS) (2018) provides the basis for this paper. The study is part of a longitudinal analysis, for which wave pasting 2012, 2015, and 2018 were performed. The final sample comprised 6,709 individuals. Ten psychosocial variables were measured through scales or specific questions. Cognition was assessed with the Cross-Cultural Cognitive Examination (CCCE). Confounders included sociodemographics, multimorbidity, and functionality. The analysis was performed by adjusting the regression model. Of the total sample, 2,761 (41.1%) were men; 3,948 (58.8%) were women. The mean age was 68.2 years (SD = 8.1). Cognition is significantly affected in people with higher age (β=-1.30, Cl 95% -1.54, -.1.06 p= 0.000), less schooling (β=.559, CI 95% .498, .621 p<0.001), depressive symptoms (β=-.066, CI 95% -.115, -.018 p=0.007), those who do not perform any volunteer service (β=-.057, CI 95% -.102, -.102 p=0.013), or do not participate in decision making (β=-.242, CI 95% -.295, -.189 p<0.001), low internal locus of control (β=-.012., CI 95% -.023, -.001 p=0.023), and poor economic perception (β=-.070., CI 95% -.115, -.024 p=0.002). When analyzing the cognitive function of older people, it is vital to consider the possible related psychosocial variables.
Detalles del artículo
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